Are you thinking about changing your life style? Having direct contact to nature, meeting people from different countries, having the opportunity to travel and work in amazing destinations ??? It’s a time to challenge yourself and try out new, challenging and fun experiences. Escape from routine! Why not becoming a PADI Professional?

Monday, August 20, 2018

5 Things to do Before your Next PADI Scuba Course

5 Things to do Before your Next Scuba Course

Are you planning to take the next step and complete a new PADI certification? To help get the most out of your course, try these five tips on being refreshed, prepared and fit to dive.

 Choose the right course
It may sound simple, but pick a course that works with your current abilities (not just what you want to achieve in the future). So, if you’re looking to create amazing photos but struggle with holding your position underwater, Peak Performance Buoyancy could give you a solid foundation before moving onto Digital Underwater Photographer.

If it’s been a while since you were last underwater, why not sign up for PADI ReActivate, book a day’s diving, or even practice on land to brush up on the skills you’ll need to excel on your next course. For example, if you’re taking the plunge into Ice Diving you’ll want plenty of recent practice with a dry suit. Or, fine tune your compass skills for a head start on Search and Recovery Diver.

Get dive fit
Carrying heavy kit or climbing back onto a boat can feel daunting if you’re out of practice, but by adding a few simple fitness techniques to your daily regime you can make the physical demands a little easier. Stay mentally fit, too — yoga is often cited as a great way to relax before diving.

 Know your scuba gear
You’ll find it hard to concentrate on learning new skills if your equipment is badly fitted, doesn’t work, or if you’re not sure how to operate it. If you’re using your own gear, do make sure it’s tried and tested well in advance so you’ve got time to make any necessary adjustments.

Have a goal in mind
PADI courses are a fun way to develop your experience as a diver. But inevitably there may be challenges along the way, such as taking a little longer to master a new skill. Having an end goal in mind— and a reward — can keep you focused and give you an added sense of accomplishment at the end. How about a new torch after a Night Diver course, or a trip to a bucket list dive site to celebrate becoming a Deep Diver?

If you may have questions or need more information regarding a specific PADI Course, do not heitate to contact me, and i will be glad to guide you through your diving goals.

Greetings from Cape Verde 

Mobile / Whatsapp: +238 953-2154
Skype: saldunbides

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